Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The following link will take you too Eric Gibbs April RAINN photo album. 

Professional photog Tasha Markovich took some excellent pictures, check them out:

Click "Your Photos" in the left side menu
Password: Run

Saturday, April 30, 2011

April RAINN 4.5-mile trail run

April 30, 2011
Inaugural April RAINN 
Ledges Shelter, Peninsula, Ohio 

After a month of rain, and record amounts of it in the greater Cleveland area, April 30 turned out to be one of the nicest days of the month. Sunny skies greeted more than 60 runners as they lined up for the inaugural April RAINN trail run, hosted by Grunt Girl Racing.

"We hoped Mother Nature would cooperate with us for the event," Stacy Rhea, president of GGR and RD for the event. "Nice weather is a big plus on any race day, but especially for an inaugural event."

The month of April is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the U.S. By hosting April RAINN, GGR helped raise public awareness about sexual violence. April RAINN is one of three events
GGR hosts. Proceeds from April RAINN and Shatter the Silence benefit the Summit and Medina Race Crisis Center.

The word RAINN is not misspelled. RAINN stands for Rape Abuse & Incest National Network
RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. 

"When we initially began developing this event and our August event, Shatter the Silence, we had no idea several girls on the team were survivors of sexual abuse," Rhea said. "As we began sharing race details with the team, the girls began sharing their stories with [us]." [Rhea and her business partner, Andrea Chisnell]

I too am a survivor, and I am not afraid to tell people." Rhea said. "I have kept my silence for more than 30 years. It's time to shatter the silence and help give a voice to women."

April RAINN Sponsors

Vertical Runner 
Fitness Together 
Century Cycles
Girls with Sole
Cleveland Plays Racing 

For information about the Second annual Shatter the Silence, click here.